A Black History Festival Initiative

Theme: “Global Africa Partnership for Shared Prosperity”

Date:  22nd January 2024

Time: 11am EST/ 4 pm GMT

Platform: Zoom/ Live Streaming

The Africa Partnership Forum is a dynamic and interactive webinar that aims to bring together key stakeholders, thought leaders, policymakers, and experts from around the globe to discuss and foster collaboration on the theme of “Global Africa Partnership for Shared Prosperity.” This virtual event will serve as a platform for insightful discussions, knowledge exchange, and the exploration of innovative ideas that contribute to the sustainable development of the African continent through strengthened global partnerships.

The primary objective of the webinar is to foster meaningful conversations and collaboration among diverse stakeholders, towards establishing a comprehensive framework for a Global Partnership that encompasses Africa, the African diaspora, and the Caribbean for Shared Prosperity. The discussions will specifically concentrate on identifying key areas of cooperation, leveraging existing resources, and cultivating new partnerships to propel sustainable economic growth, social development, and technological advancement across the African continent, African-American communities, and the Caribbean region.

“The Africa We Want: A Vision for Global Partnership and Prosperity” is a compelling exploration into the aspirational dreams and collective goals that define the future of the African continent. This theme invites participants to envision a harmonious Africa actively engaged in global partnerships, fostering collaboration, and embracing prosperity. Through insightful discussions, the webinar series seeks to illuminate the path towards a more integrated, interconnected, and economically thriving Africa, resonating with a vision that extends beyond borders.